Monday, November 7, 2011

I Am Moved In

I am moved in, and finally started working on projects again. Not without issues. Half of my things are still packed and in the garage, but that is okay. This will truly give me an idea of what I don't need, or what I need to replace. I discovered I had more fat quarters, cuts of fabric, than I had of fabric. Some of them are totally random. What was I thinking?

Anyway, want a peek at what I am working on. I will let you see if you promise not tell.

Silk daisy going on scarf.  The center is beaded.

A Christmas Present. Can you guess what it is?

Moon Dottie doll hand painted made to hold form.

Purple second spay on a silk scarf.  The results are divine!

A star Dotee doll I made for a trade.

Not Done. It's a Christmas Present! Needs borders and quilting.


So really I have been trying to work. I hope you like the work.

By the way I LOVE Tennessee

Happy Crafting and Keep Smiling 

Friday, May 20, 2011

I Am Moving

Memi and I are getting ready to move to Tennessee in late June. Since the middle of April Memi and I have experienced some changes in our lives. I am sad to leave Pennsylvania, but I am looking forward to my new life in Tennessee. Memi will adjust in time as long as she has her mommie and her sleeping bag in her chair. 

As I pack though, I get tired easy, sooo......
I have tried to work on some projects. I haven't made much headway as my table keeps getting buried and buried again. I am hoping that this weekend I can devote to working on my projects, and not so much packing. I have been acting like I was leaving the last of May.

Back of my cell phone case sized for Black Berry

Front of the Case this has a matching Eye Glass Case and Make Up Bag

This is to go on the front of an Amulet Bag for a swap

Moon Dottie Doll Design by Me

Miss Memi

Miss Memi and her friend Toby play tug-o-war

Inchies for swap

Inchies for Swap

Decorated Corsage Pins for a Swap

Hopefully I will post again before I move. Memi says I will. So in all good spirit, and with all joy. Have a beautiful and blessed day. Happy crafting everyone.


Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Cottage Hill: Dog Silhouette Pillow

Cottage Hill: Dog Silhouette Pillow

I am Still Working

Some days I don't want to move. Even though I know I have to. I recently had a seizure that pushed me backwards, but I am doing much better. My mind is going in so many directions, and there are so many ideas simmering in my brain I wonder if I have time to complete them all. Surprise! If I do a little bit each day sometimes I accomplish a whole project in a few hours before I start hurting. Life is not always kind, but you can make it happy if you want to.

I have recently been working on my art dolls. I have also been going with my neighbor to a ceramic shop because she also needs to get out and have a hobby. So more paint. More fun. Go to Love It!

These are my pieces. No not a new hobby I just like painting. There is no way I will ever give up fabric.

Have a beautiful day full of love and peace

Dorothy Sullenberger-Kingsley

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Joined New Online Groups

I joined a couple of groups on yahoo. I hope to learn more from them, and learn more about the process of my art. I know I have the raw talent but it is getting it out and and expressing it.

I need to quit being afraid of what people may or may not think. I just need to do and enjoy creative art forms. As I have always loved sewing and designing, it was just natural for me to finally start creating fabric art. Art dolls with art costumes, fabric artist trading card, inchies, art quilts, etc. For me and to me art is in the eye of the beholder. What I like someone else may not. This is okay. Art is to be enjoyed not be afraid of. If I continue to be afraid of the beautiful things I see in my minds eye, no one else will ever get a chance to decide if they like them or not. I guess that made up my mind.

                  Current Projects

Summer Pin Swap 
Amulet Bag    half way there
Roses for Momma
The No Name Piece
Art Doll (Being pieced by hand)
Finish Challenge Piece
Rope Coasters
Cell Phone Case and Make Up Bag added a Eye Glass Case  done
Plus Size Inches  done

These are in no particular order as I am working on ALL of then at one time. That way if I get bored with one piece I can always go to the next. I enjoy coming up with projects, I just need to finish them. That whole time management thing.

Wishing Everyone A Beautiful Day
Dorothy Sullenberger-Kingsley

Monday, March 28, 2011

New Projects/ Old Projects Time Management

Hello once again. I have been neglectful to my blog. Not on purpose mind you, but partially due to illness and partially due to I was working on projects. Not to mention dealing with the drama partially grown young adult children on their own bring.

work area in my bedroom before it was finished
Fabric postcard to my mom

Welding cap I made for my ex husband
the drama in my life
fabric ATC

"Roses for Momma" is still a work in progress as it undergoes many changes every time I work with it.  I have worked on the project I disliked and now I really like it. I have made artist trading cards for a trade. I am working on a one of a kind art doll by hand. I don't know if I am up for a big project now. But I sure do like all of the small projects I have made. I am also making a small zippered makeup bag.

I am very poor at time management. But I am getting better at it. In order to accomplish what I want to and to be able to do more with my time I have to set goals every day to accomplish one thing. Pretty bad for a new artist, but I can see what I want only I get easily distracted by other other things. For instance, if I go looking for thread in a box I may be delayed for a coupled of hours because I found something else I had been searching for weeks ago and now can't remember where I put the rest of it. I have two sewing areas one main work area is in my bedroom with my bed facing my desk and my look at my design wall. I have been known to wake up in the middle of the night and sew. My second area is a corner in the dining room. I currently have three machines two singers and a brothers. All of them basic models. I store my supplies in plastic see through containers on or under my desk and in my walk in desk. I have one tub downstairs to keep everything neat and tidy.

Sewing time is not the issue. It seems to be knowing what to write in my blog. I am not sure what to write. What does one write about? Hi today I highlighted some of the roses I am using in the project "Rose for Momma." I plan on highlighting more tomorrow. I can't keep my arms bent for long period of time or the ring and pinky fingers go numb. Not much fun because on top of the numbness there is tingling and pricking. And my elbow and shoulders begin to hurt.  

Take away my art take away my life. 

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

And Sew It Goes

I am still working on very hard on my project. I only have twelve days left. 

I am working hard on the roses to get them just so, to make the bouquet balanced. Keeping color, size, value, and overall composition balanced is my goal. There are a few different art functions going on in this piece. there is a little thread work, hand embroidery, bead work, and a few other simple arts.

I love hand work. Before I can do the hand work though I must finish all of the machine work.

Plus Fiber Art Art Traders has put up the coolest trade I want to get in on. Can't wait.

And Sew it goes.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Roses and Post-Card

I have been busy working on "Roses for Momma" the past few days.  I am sewing the roses down to form a bouquet to place in the basket. It will look so cool. 

This whole design was inspired by the song "Roses for Momma" my mom almost died from her chemotherapy last year. And it broke my heart. Someone sent me a rose to my phone. 
It was cold mom was always cold. So I decided to design an art piece that was warm. Warm Roses in a warmer setting to reflect a warmer time of year. So I am still looking at the Valentines Day finish date.

I also made my very first fabric post card yesterday. Of course it was for mom. I hope it will lift her spirits.



Wednesday, January 12, 2011

I Am Still Here

Oh my! What a month this has been since my last post! I finished my stocking just in time. I even finished a few Christmas gifts, which I will post about later. 
My mother, who is 72 and lives in Florida, had a mild heart attack, but that wasn't the worst of it. She had not been eating or drinking enough so her body had built up toxins in her body and she needed kidney dialysis. A nurse on the ICU floor told me her condition was so bad she didn't think she would make it. I was devastated!   

My mom and I did not get along while I was growing up. My grandparents raised me. My sewing and crafting skills I learned from my grandmother, granny, and the ladies on Leech Lake Indian Reservation. I lived there since  my second grandfather was an Ojibwe Indian. I could not believe this nurse was telling me mom was going to die! My mom promised me she was going to live to be 100 just so she could pick on me. I had not finished her art piece yet. She can't die yet. I have designed a special piece just for her. I call it  "Roses for Momma". I have it almost done. I put it aside, as I did other projects over the holidays. It is back on the board now. I started the art quilt because flowers don't last but fabric will. Last Valentines Day she was in the hospital, so instead of flowers, I started designing a rose piece for her. It is a work in progress. I hope to have it finished by Valentine Day. That is my goal. Here are a few pictures of the work in progress.

Before Background was added

As I was adding background fabric

Background and Round Table Top Added


I decided I was not going to call the day nurse any more. I called the night nurse in ICU B, Anita was her name and I am so grateful for her assurances that mom was making progress. She was so helpful each night and made me feel so much better. I knew the first few days were rough for mom, but mom kept her promise. I talked to her yesterday. She told me of course she was going to live to be 100 how can she pick on me if she dies. She will be going to a rehab center to get strong enough to go home. Less worries for us kids.

Now tell me what you of the new piece.