Saturday, December 18, 2010

Just In Time

I did it! Just in time to. I finished the stocking. The stocking is snow white beaded with size 10/0 gold beads and 11/0 silver beads and I made my stars from various size beads and tacked them down to the stocking when I was finished with the other beading, considering I have had a few falls and had a bad one last night I was surprised I finished at all.  Now as I am writing this blog I am noticing things wrong. I wanted a very simple, yet elegant stocking. I did not want an over decorated stocking. I wanted it simple to match my tree.

I have a snowman wall hanging, a wall hanging for my brother, three or four art quilts, and of course the piece that looks at me every day and says "I will be here when you are ready." All of these plus doctors waiting for me. I think I might find something to occupy my time.

When I am making my art I am taken to another place. Where I don't have to worry about doctor appointments, or getting sick, or having seizures or being in pain. I am free. If I want to put a crazy color or a embellish softly on a heavy fabric, I can. I am the one in control. Not the diseases. 

I was recently diagnosed with Muscular Dystrophy to go along with Epilepsy and Complex Regional Pain Syndrome. Please understand by no means is my life ruled by my illness. I try very hard to rule them, sometimes I win, sometimes it goes the other way. My God willing I will wake tomorrow and it will be a good day and I will accomplish more than I did today. 

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Getting Ready For Christmas ?

I have done it this year. Due to being ill I have gotten behind since Halloween. Ugh! All of my normal organization has gone right out of the door. I didn't get the tree up until Monday of this week and it still isn't decorated completely. I have to address sign and mail Christmas Cards before the weekend.
I have my stocking to finish for Fiber Art Traders on Yahoo. I am really excited about it.

I have new art quilts designed. Actually they have been designed for three years. I have been scared of people judging me. Or them not being "perfect."
I have a lot of designs but frightened of what people will say about me my work. I am a creative perfectionist by nature. I live with a right brain left brain conflict most of the time. Live in my world for a day. LOL :)

I will get everything accomplished, on time. Because that is what you are supposed to do. 
Do what you say you are going to do; when you say you are going to do it; how you say you are going to do it. ~ Larry Winget  
I believe that if more people followed this philosophy there would be fewer problems in the world.

Well enough of my rambling tonight. Goodnight Happy reading Thanks for stopping

Friday, December 10, 2010

Really I Have Been Hard At Work

My last trade was a Christmas Doll trade. I made three six-inch dolls. An angel, an icicle doll, and a friendship doll. Each one has varying degrees of difficulty yet are fun to make and I had not made them in many years. I had forgot how much fun I had making dolls.
For the icicle doll I used a dark blue tone on tone snow flake material to make the body which is nothing more than a carrot shape. I sewed in funky yard at the top to represent hair as I was making the body. Then I molded a face with a mold a clay and painted it to match the material. I made arms from blue glass beads and one 6mm roundel bead in the center to represent hands. I put beads down the side to make it look like icicles and at the bottom I made tiny icicles.                   
The friendship doll is a Jill Maas pattern. I have always adored her patterns, if you have a chance look them up. The doll is simple to make. I think the hardest part about it this time was the head. I want to make a few more for some friends who went crazy over her. I didn't use velvet I used cotton this time. I used white cord sewn down with gold colored thread around her face. She has a purple heart, beading above her head, cross stitch, gold cord, flower ribbon held down by little beads.I drew her face on also.